
The General Relief Society Meeting is always awesome. If you missed it, head over to and I’m sure they’ll have the broadcast up in no-time.

For those who listened, you will agree with me when I say Elder Uchtdorf gave an incredible talk. I felt the Spirit so strong, and was so impressed with his comments. They were perfect for me and probably so many other women.

I decided to take my notes from his five “Forget-me-nots” and put them into this cute graphic. I printed it out for RS, and wanted to share it with you.

Enjoy! (Nevermind my OCD-ness and the fact that his talk ended like 20 minutes ago. :-))

I know I have lots to work on, but for some reason when I see it in this cute little flower it makes it all a little better!


7 responses to “Forget-me-not

  1. I am teaching the TFOT Relief Society lesson in two weeks (in my California ward) and decided to search for a picture of a Forget-Me-Not flower and lo, and behold, I found your wonderful graphic. Thank you so much. It is so touching to find gospel-related and uplifting materials on the internet.

  2. Jill, I know you made this a long time ago, but I would like to use the picture of the flower in my Relief Society lesson. Is that okay? Thanks for your blog! I LOVE IT and read every post! Love you and miss you!

Tell me what you think!