
So you know the drill. Somewhere in the Young Women’s manual, there is a secret line that says, “If you make really cute handouts, they will not only love your lesson, but they’ll love you.” haha. 🙂

We buy into this idea that every good lesson has to include handouts.

Anyway, I really loved my Young Women’s instructors. They taught me so much. Their example, encouragement and faith helped me gain my testimony. I realize it wasn’t a specific leader, but the overall program. I think that is the way it should be. The Lord’s program is inspired. My leaders were instruments to help me get closer to Him, not necessarily to buddy up to a leader.

Well, I got a lot of handouts from over the years. And undoubtedly, they were all very cute. You could tell they were made with love. So what’s a girl to do? You can’t just (gasp) throw them away!!!?! Can you..? I am not a hoarder, but I kept them. I have a binder with clear-plastic inserts where I kept these handouts.

I’m so glad I did.

Tonight I was in one of my weird organizing moods, this time it was with paper. So every place in the house where I was keeping papers, received some loving attention from yours truly. 🙂 So in some of my piles, I found talks and handouts I wanted to file in my “Handouts Binder.”

This began a journey down memory lane. As I looked through my binder,  I was able to reflect on so many spiritual milestones in my life. Lessons on marriage, talks about priorities, moving to college, doing things for roommates, serving as RS president in my student ward, attending firesides and so much more. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of “Wow, look at your journey.”

It’s true. I’ve had an amazing life story, and most of these steps are perfectly narrated by handouts.

Special thanks to all those who take the time to print out that seemingly meaningless little piece of paper with a quote on it. I never thought I’d appreciate them like I do now.

Anyone else do anything special with handouts?


8 responses to “Handouts

  1. I with JJ on this one. Not too many people get in organizing moods. But because we’re married and share the same space…I am so glad you get in those moods! I am proud of your journey and your example inspires me to be better. Thanks!

  2. Mom is the best at creative handouts.I am lucky to team teach with her.I previously felt the handout just gets tossed so why bother. I’ve also felt that its like a graven image or a tangible thing substituting faith.You have helped me rethink (repent) and embrace teaching excellence. Love Daddyo

  3. Jill! First of all, I love your blog! You are awesome! I totally have kept all my handouts from YW too and I LOVE them…I now teach the Laurels in my ward and I love making handouts for them in hope that they help them as much as they helped me!

    • @Jared, I’m so glad you read my blog. You’re the best little JJ!

      @Michael, yes…I’m a crazy woman. I think you’re beginning to see the real me. Organizing moods and all!

      @Dad, I’m sure you’ve had a lot of neat experiences teaching with mom. I’ve always thought handouts are kinda a waste too, but all of them together is a really neat collection. A nice summary/journal of spiritual lessons!

      @Beth!! So happy to hear from you and so glad you read my blog. I miss you. Funny that we have that in common. I’m sure you are the BEST Laurel teacher. What a neat calling and a perfect fit for you. Take care!!

  4. I was kind of in your Dad’s boat, but I’m glad to hear that someone kept those handouts and loves them! 🙂 One of my leaders (the one that I love and always talk about, that was at my wedding) always painted rocks for us that had to do with the lessons, or milestones we passed. That was unique and special, and because I loved her so much they meant even more to me. Funny right?

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